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Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

Week 8 and 9 Subteam Update

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

We are in the final week of build season! The past few weeks the team has worked hard to put final touches on the robot and this years awards. The Marketing and Creative team finished up the Impact Award video, presentation and team buttons. The Design and Mechanical teams worked together to finish up the wiring for the robot and put the new arm on the robot. Finally the controls team finished up the code for the new arm and worked on logistics for the autonomous code.

Next week is the Heartland Regional! The competition will be from March 15th to the 18th at Olathe South High School. This all day event is a great opportunity for our sponsors to meet the team and see first hand what we do. All our welcome and we to see you there!

Week 4-5 Update

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

These past few weeks have been pivotal in our preparation for competition. Mechanical finish the robot draft, fixing the arm and bumpers. The controls team began working on the arm commands for the robot, they have also continued exploring vision and autonomous. Our design team finished up the CAD for the robot and ordered parts for a final arm and superstructure. The marketing team put together the Impact Award script and finished executive summery’s. Constructing face of our team, or Creative team finished the Impact Award video and the flag.

Week Two and Three of Build Season

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

These past two weeks have been incredibly productive for all subteams. Our marketing team was able to complete executive summaries, the Impact Award essay and the Woodie Flowers Award. Creative, took part in making the flag for the team, as well as, filming interviews for Impact Award video and finishing sponsor t-shirts. The controls team built the arm, subsystem PID, and normal commands until complete. Mechanical completed all of the game pieces for our model game. They also finished the superstructure, and the chassis for the robot. Our design team finished ordering materials and began working on the arm with mechanical.

First Week of Build Season

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

This past week we were introduced to the FIRST Robotics game of the season. We started of the week brainstorming strategies and collaborating with one another to come up with a game plan. Each subteam then split up and began bringing our plan into fruition. The Design team worked together to complete the robot design in CAD. They also prototyped an intake system that could pick up both cones and cubes. This allowed the mechanical team to get a head start on constructing the game pieces needed for the testing of the robot. They were also able to start on the charging station in addition to completing the cube and cone scoring stations. Brainstorming ideas, the controls team began prototyping code for the robot. On the other side of things the Marketing teem finished the Impact award essay and assigned members to executive summaries. Finally, our creative team configured a list of supplies needed for competition. Over all this past week was an encouraging start to this years season. We look forward to seeing our hard work pay off on the field!

CowTown Throwdown

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

This past weekend we participated in our annual off-season scrimmage at Lee Summit High School. Our team finished seventeenth place giving us a strong start to the competition season. Build season is underway and we are looking forward to incorporating our new rookies into the bustle of the season.

Parent Night

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This years parent night will be October 13th at 7:10 pm. We are planning on covering all of the information for this year including: expectations, student opportunities, regional dates, and paperwork. We will also give information on opportunities parents will have to support their students. We look forward to seeing you there!

Rookie Night

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

At the beginning of this September we had the amazing opportunity to bring into the team new rookies! We introduced each of them to the individual subteams, and allowed them to get a glimpse of what Team STEAM is. We had a total of twenty students in attendance. Currently, we are in the process of training each rookie in their desired team. We can’t wait to see how this works out!

2022 Summer Camps

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

This years summer camps are being hosted at the Lawrence College and Career Center June 27th-30th and July11th-14th. The camps will be available for middle school students and last from 9:00am-12:00pm. On the last day of camp there will be a parent night from 7:00-9:00pm. For more information, including registration, please visit this site. We look forward to seeing you there!

Competition Results!

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

Competition season is finally over with a successful end. This year we took 7th place with a working robot and an efficient drive team. Team STEAM as a whole worked together to make this competition a moment to remember. We were able to take home two awards; the Woody Flowers Award and the Innovation and Controls Award. Our Woody Flowers Award winner was Grace Young, who has been a coveted mentor on our team. The chairmans team worked tirelessly to create a communicable presentation and did well to impress our judges. Overall this Competition season was one to remember long into our future.

Kickoff 2022!

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

Now that the FLL competition is successfully over, it’s time to get ready for Regionals! The marathon has just begun, but things are off to a good start. Students are spending several trying nights a week getting ready, knowing they will pay for themselves. See us at the Heartland Regionals from March 16th through 19th!

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