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Team STEAM Robotics

Lawrence, KS


Summer camp registration now open! Visit our summer camps page for more information.

Team STEAM Newsletter

Team STEAM Blog

CowTown Throwdown

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

This past weekend we participated in our annual off-season scrimmage at Lee Summit High School. Our team finished seventeenth place giving us a strong start to the competition season. Build season is underway and we are looking forward to incorporating our new rookies into the bustle of the season.

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Parent Night

150 150 Ariana Vallejo-Cooper

This years parent night will be October 13th at 7:10 pm. We are planning on covering all of the information for this year including: expectations, student opportunities, regional dates, and paperwork. We will also give information on opportunities parents will have to support their students. We look forward to seeing you there!

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